Flood is considered a catastrophic natural disaster that may cause immense loss to life and properties. In Thailand, some areas have suffered critical damages by floods, especially one of the largest occurred in 2011, due to the lack of flood risk assessment and appropriate flood protection measures.

InterRisk Asia (Thailand) provides the flood risk assessment by our experts. The assessment is conducted by various information, such as topography data, flood footprint, and hazard map, and on-site survey to analyze the area and surroundings. The analysis result will be visualized by using a specific program that can show the result in an apprehensible 2D and 3D data. The assessment result can also be used to predict and compute the probability of the flood events so that the flood protection plan can be established in timely manner. In addition, our flood assessment software can also be applied with other types of natural disasters such as earthquake, pandemic or even road accident.


     Geographical characteristic of the area

    Hazard map (Return period: 100 year and 500 year).

    Flood history

    Water drainage system of the area and of the industrial estate

    Flood management and protection measures