BCP/BCM (Business Continuity Planning/Business Continuity Management)

In Japan, companies constantly facing multiple crises such as earthquakes must develop BCPs (Business Continuity Plans) to prepare for risks that threaten the survival of their businesses. On the other hand, despite encountering major disasters every year in Southeast Asia, BCPs are not as widespread and its development has been significantly delayed due to lack of manpower and know-how. Thus, we provide BCP consultation and training services for companies in Thailand and Southeast Asia. We also support the development of crisis management systems and the formulation of emergency response plans in case of an emergency affecting any entity of the business.




BCP Preparation Consultation Process Flow (General Example): 

“Examination of damage estimation”

“Development of emergency response system”

“Setting business continuity goals”

“Business Impact Analysis”

“Development of initial and business continuity response rules, examination and implementation of countermeasures”



♦ Needs to develop a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) as requested by the company’s Japanese (or Overseas) Head Office.

♦ Want to continue critical businesses and maintain supply chains in an event of a sudden disaster.♦ Want to improve their existing BCP and increase the trust of business partners.

♦ Have a BCP, but are worried that the content is sufficient.


Our experienced consultants will help you identify business continuity issues (bottlenecks) in your company and develop an effective BCP manual that includes countermeasures for bottlenecks. If you already have a BCP in place, we are able to analyze the content and advise you on further improvements.


♦ Identify risks that are in line with the actual situation in each country. (Earthquakes are not always the biggest threat)

♦ Build a “simple and easy-to-understand” BCP that can be shared with local staff.

♦ In addition to preparing manuals, we will also identify issues that need to be addressed in advance.

3-6 months Please contact us individually.

POINTS TO CONSIDER: Major business continuity risks exists for companies expand into Southeast Asia.


♦ Earthquake —————– High risk in country which located near plate boundaries or active faults such as Indonesia, Philippines and Myanmar.

♦ Storm and flood disasters ————— Extremely high risk in river basins in the Mekong River and Chao Phraya River.

♦ Emerging infectious diseases ———- There is a risk regardless of the region. If the source is domestic, the infection may spread rapidly.


♦ Fire / Explosion ———- Especially at production sites, aging equipment and incomplete 5S are the sources of risk.

♦ Labor disputes ———— Occurs intermittently due to requests for improved welfare and cultural conflicts.

♦ Internal fraud ———— Not only financial loss but also loss of trust of business partners.

♦ Compliance —- There is a risk of not being able to properly comply with industry laws and regulations and receiving an order to suspend operations.




BCP Training Consultation Process Flow (General Example): 

“Clarification of training purpose, selection of training target”

“Consideration of training format”

“Creation of training scenarios”

“Implementation of training”

“Preparation of evaluation report

“Training evaluation feedback”


♦ Are not confident in the effectiveness of the company’s BCP (Emergency Manual).

♦ Have a BCP (Emergency Manual), but it is not well known to the concerned persons.

♦ Want to carry out scenario training simulating an emergency.


We will provide the most suitable training for your company from various training formats on how to respond to emergencies that threaten business continuity such as natural disasters and fires.


♦ Make a scenario that allows you to act according to the manual, rather than making a random judgment.

♦ As during an actual emergency, training will work with a mixed team regardless of nationality or language.

♦ Review and evaluate the training, leading to a comprehensive review of the manual.

3 months – Please contact us individually.

POINTS TO CONSIDER: Main training formats

Format: “Script-reading”: Degree of realness/Degree of difficulty: Low 

The training participants will read through the script describing a disaster, effectively involving all concerned parties about the prepared BCP.

Format: “Quiz”: Degree of realness/Degree of difficulty: Medium

The training participants will be given different challenging scenarios and situations and must consider the countermeasure actions to be taken expected in the event of a disaster. It is effective for verifying the effectiveness of the BCP manual.

Format: “Situation delegation”: Degree of realness/Degree of difficulty: High

Various problematic scenarios expected in the event of a disaster will be presented to participants one after another, verifying how much information is shared and communicated with appropriate decision-making. In addition to employee compliance with the manual, this training format is the most widely practiced format in Japan because of the expectation of teamwork improvement.