Talk Of The Town

June 10, 2016
Tanaporn Longwech

In 2010 on the night of December 27, 2010, the news of “17 Year-Old Teen driver crashes van, 9 dead” is the most mentioned. A 17 year-old girl’s drove a common car and was traveling at a high speed. The car crashed into a van (Thammasat University-Mo chit) on the toll way. The van hit the edge of the toll way with the high impact speed. The passengers were thrown off the van but the 17 year-old girl was only slightly injured. The images of “17 Year-Old Girl Plays the Mobile after This Accident Happened” were shared considerably on social media. Recently, the Court of Appeal judges increased the parole period from 3 years to 4 years, in addition to 3-year probation with community services for 140 hours. Furthermore, the 17 Year-Old Girl was prohibited to drive a car until she is 25 years old. The policemen found that the 17 year-old girl turned herself in but did not do her community service during for the last 3 years. Cause of Accident: The cause of this accident is carelessness. Moreover, the offender is only 17 years old, so showing that inexperience and having no driver’s license will be an issue to people who are 18 years old or above. Result: The total passengers were 14 persons.  9 people died after the car crashed and 5 people were injured. Solution: Parents should supervise minors closely and provide knowledge about the traffic law together with controlling the speed of driving. In addition, parents should discourage their child to drive to prevent damage property and injury to other people. The video “Big Bike Crash Peoples Who were Crossing the Road” that was shared vastly on social media. This accident occurred on March 12, 2016 at the community of Mae Khachan sub district, Wiang Pa Pao district, Chiang Rai province. After shopping, 2 women and 1 child were crossing the road. The “Big Bike” drove at a high speed and crashed with these people who were crossing the road. Cause of Accident: Driving at a high speed is the main cause of this accident. Moreover, the place of the accident was a community zone where there are a lot of people. In addition, the Big Bike’s driver could not take control of the situation when the driver drove at a high speed and crashed into the people who were crossing the road. Result: “Big Bike” has been used at a high speed and crashed into the people who were crossing the road. The mother killed before child’s eye. Solution: The driver should control the speed limit according to law, which is 60 km/hr. for the community to reduce the risk of accidents on the road. On November 10, 2015, the accidents of “5 Cars Crash in a Row, Taxi Miraculously Escapes Death Beneath Bus” occurred on Phahonyothin road near the Elephant building, before Ratchayothin intersection. From the investigation, it was found that a cement truck collided with a taxi from behind and the taxi was dislodged under the bus. In addition, the bus crashed with 2 other taxis from behind. The taxi’s driver was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital. Cause of Accident: The cement truck brake failured while slowing down to wait for the traffic lights. Thus, the cement truck crashed the taxi. Result: From this accident, the taxi was seriously damaged and the taxi’s driver injured. In addition, the accident affected traffic jam on the road. Solution: The drivers should inspect vehicles conditions regularly. In case of its malfunction, the drivers should bring the car to a repair center for immediate checking to prevent risk of accidents and property damages to other people. On social media, “DJ Gear R” video was a famous topic and is shared in this moment. On January 8, 2016 at the entrance of the Thai-Japanese Stadium, the pick-up of DJ Gear R was follow by third party’s car to the Vibhavadi-Rangsit road. Then, both cars were turned left to the Mitmaitri road. The third party’ car drove into the right lane and tried to insert into the front of the pick-up but the pick-up did not allow this. When traffic was moving, the third party’ car was follow behind the pick-up. And the third party knocked the mirror of the pick-up. After this incident, DJ Gear R discontent and the accident was shared as a video. Cause of Accident: From this case showing that no one would not give way to the other person in addition to emotion control while driving. Result: The common car of third party was damaged from pick-up revers to crashed the third party’s car 2 times. Moreover, both persons were punished. Solution: The drivers should respect traffic rules and also be considerate to companions. In addition, the drivers should control the emotion due to if they have weapon, it could lead to more than damage. This accident became famous news. The cyclists were killed in a car crash in Thailand. This happened twice. In 2013, 2 British cyclists, who were husband-wife, were crashed by a pick-up at Phanomsarakham district, Chachoengsao province. They were dead from the accident. Next to the accident on February 21, 2015, the policemen have been reported that a pick-up collided the bicycle at Mittraphap road. Mr.Huan Fransitko who was a Chilean cyclist and still making the new Guinness statistics World Cycling record 5 continents within 5 years 250000 km distance. He died. But his wife and child were injured. Cause of Accident: From the investigation, it was found that the bicycle was not in visible of pick-up’s driver. Thus, the pick-up crashed the bicycle which was cause of carelessness of the driver. Result: From this accident, 1 cyclist killed but his wife and child were injured. Furthermore, this incident ruined Thailand reputation in road safety. Solution: Every time while driving, driver should drive with full awareness and caution which could be the reason that lead to injuring other persons and death. Driving speed should not be over 120 km/hr. for motorway. In case of an accident, this would help driver to control the car. Recently, the accident of “Benz Crashes Ford” is famous. On March 13, 2016, this accident occurred and Ford collapsed to the cabin of driver’s seat. Fire spread quickly due to the gas tank installation. The policemen found 2 grad students dead at driver’s seat. The Benz was found 500 m away which was turned over and demolished. 1 person was injured and taken to the hospital. The inquiry official gave 8 notices for rich man. Before this accident, the rich man drove through the Rama 4 expressway and collided into the toll gate due to high speed. Recently, the EXAT (Expressway Authority of Thailand) sent the evidence to the rich man, charging 50 Bath. Cause of Accident: The cause of this accident is high speed. From the investigation, it was found that the speed of this car was 215-257 km/hr. Moreover, the offender did not allow the police to checking alcohol so the police assumed that rich man is drunk. Result: In this accident, 2 grad students died and the rich man was injured. Solution: Speeds of driving and driver preparedness is an important. The drivers should limit the speed of driving so that they can control the car if an emergency occurs.


June 3, 2016
Sutiwat Prutthiprasert



タイ気象局(TMD:Thai Meteorological Department)は、5月16日の雨季入りを公式に発表しました。しかし、特に北部の地域では、ダムの貯水量は依然として低く、穀物の収穫量減少とそれに伴う食料品の価格上昇は継続しています。


EIC(Economic Intelligence Centre of Siam Commercial Bank)によれば、今回の渇水の影響でタイのGDPは0.5%減少しました。経済的な被害は、農業を中心に2016年1~3月だけで8,000万バーツ以上と推定されています。


地理情報宇宙技術開発機関(Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency :GISTDA)によれば、2016年後半、タイは洪水リスクに直面すると予測されています。 雨季の間に2~3つの台風がタイを襲来し、2011年の洪水で被害を受けたPrachinburi県、Ayutthaya県、Suphanburi県、Pitsanulok県を含む低地が、洪水により再び影響を受ける可能性があります。洪水の予想発生期間は8月~10月で、浸水地域(面積)は2011年の洪水時(900億m2)には達しない見込みです。 また、ラニーニャ現象によって、気温が低く雨が多い傾向が15ヶ月以上続き、2017年まで大雨が継続するとのことです。

王室灌漑局(Royal Irrigation Department :RID)のコメント

チャオプラヤ水系の主要ダムのうち、Bhumibolダムの水位は増加していませんが、他の3つのダム(Sirikitダム、Kwae Noiダム、Pasak Jolasidダム)は徐々に貯水量が回復しています。これら3つのダムには、先週、7,208万m3の水が流入しました。 ダム水位(チャオプラヤ水系主要ダム): [caption id="attachment_1371" align="aligncenter" width="766"] Sirikitダム、Kwae Noiダム、Pasakダムは徐々に貯水量が回復しています。使用可能貯水量は、Bhumibolダム:2%、Sirikitダム:8%、Kwae Noiダム:21%、Pasak ダム:22%となっています。[/caption] 5月の降水量(5/1~5/31): 【降水量】全ての地域で降水量が増加しています。特に南部の西海岸地域では500mm以上の累積降水量が確認されています。【平年値との比較】依然、多くの地域で降水量が平年より70mm程度少ない状況が続いていますが、徐々に平年値に近づいています。【降雨日数】降雨日数は先月と比べ、増加しています。 週間天気予報: 6月2日~6日にかけて、タイ北東部、中央部、東部で大雨が降る見込みです。また、タイ北部では雷を伴う嵐により、雹、暴風が予想されています。 月間天気予報(6月):
地域 降水量 降雨日数 最高気温 最低気温
北部 130-170 mm 16-19 day 33-35℃ 24-26℃
北東部 180-220 mm 14-17 day 33-35℃ 24-26℃
中央部 130-170 mm 14-17 day 34-36℃ 25-27℃
東部 240-290 mm 15-18 day 32-34℃ 25-27℃
南部(東海岸) 90-130 mm 12-15 day 32-34℃ 24-26℃
南部(西海岸) 270-320 mm 17-20 day 31-33℃ 24-26℃
チャオプラヤ水系の河川水位(チャオプラヤダム上流): いずれの観測地点も”Normal(洪水危険なし)”の状態です。 チャオプラヤ水系の河川水位(チャオプラヤダム下流): いずれの観測地点も”Normal(洪水危険なし)”の状態です。


Statistic of Thailand Road Accident

May 13, 2016
Prawnapha Rungvithu

Statistic of Thailand Road Accident

The Thai government has set up many campaigns to decrease the number of road accident, the result is the decreasing of number of accident in each year. Conversely, the trend of accident severity is increasing. From World Heath Organization (WHO), statistics in 2014, fatalities from road accidents are about 1.25 million people, which is more than the number of fatalities from cancer. Likewise, more than half of the fatality from road accidents are bicyclists and pedestrians. It is obvious that people who use the road are not aware while driving. The most concerning statistic for Thailand is that Thailand is ranked second place in the highest fatality for world wide road accident, of which the first place is Namibia. The number of fatality is nearly the same. Likewise, Thailand has the highest number of road fatality in Asia. Each year, about 250,000 times are the average frequency of accidents. The major cause of accident is that drivers are careless, which lead to cars crashing. As a result, life loss and assets in each year is about 540 million Baht.

Concerning Statistic In Thailand


From the reported statistics, the accident usually occur with motorcycles, cars, pickup trucks, and heavy trucks, respectively. Notice that the number of Thai motorcycle less than Vietnam but the rate of accidents for this type is higher.


In 2015, accident statistic reported that the injured people is about 700,000 persons and fatality is about 8,000 persons. The most of them are people who do not wear helmet and seat belt.


From the accident statistics, the province with the highest number of accidents are shown on the left. This is because these provinces have a lot of cars compares to others


Most accidents occur during the holiday period which is the Songkran festival in April, followed by the New Year festival in the end of December and early January. Moreover, the time period is in the morning session which has low congestion traffic. It is presumed that drivers are inconsiderate of the speed limit.


The straight route has the highest number of accident for 80% compare to the others. Because people think that the curve is the highest so they are be careful. Conversely, the driver who drive on straight route use high speed and careless. Therefore, accident is frequently happen and severe.


From the statistic above, the type of car which has the highest number of accidents is the motorcycle. For province, Bangkok has the highest number of cars. In addition, driver behavior can cause accidents such as negligence, not respect traffic rules and no concern other safety. Accidents commonly happen on straight roads with low congestion traffic. During the festivals, for instance New year and Songkran, there are the highest number of accident. The major cause is the drunk drivers. This is the reason that accident frequently happen and severe compare to other duration.


In order to take action for sustainable accident minimization, the people and Thai government need to cooperate. Drivers should be concerned about their safety and as well as others. For instance, respect the traffic rules, drive with good manners, drive in the range of speed limit, wear helmet and seat belt. Additionally, check the condition of the driver and car before driving. Also, the traffic officer should enforce the law not only for the festival period in order to reduce the loss from accidents.

Tips for Driver

The appropriate pressure for tires is considered from size and car model. In general, the pressure of personal cars is 26-32 pound per square inch on average. Whereas, the pressure of the front tire is more than the back tire about 3-5 pound per inch.